Since its beginning, WGMCorp. has dedicated itself to the advancement of the careers of small and large creators. With a total of eight years working in the music, media, and entertainment sectors from the very earliest traces of this organization, we know what it means to put people over profits and to care for the people we serve every day.
Shopify, arguably one of the largest e-commerce platforms around the globe, recently launched a campaign aimed at what they’re calling “creators”. Thanks for the nod to our Invest In Creators Campaign, which started in July of 2021. WGM’s Invest In Creators Campaign allowed us to procure a large budget in which to invest directly into artists, musicians, content producers, and joy-makers across the world. We even started offering e-commerce solutions to Creators free of charge. Seriously. Our Invest In Creator Campaign solutions have been a huge source of low- to no-budget Creator websites, merchandise stores, and bulk purchase order solutions for months.
Creators can start their own e-commerce store without monthly fees, drag-and-drop basic storefronts, and the unnecessary stress of running and managing a website, orders, customers, and everything else that comes with it. And, they have control over every step throughout the process. WGM offers 24/7 individual case manager support, dedicated teams for each service, and the notion to always, ALWAYS put the Creator first. We are not a profit-driven company, unlike others.
Compared to other companies, the e-commerce solutions operations we’re running are small. But, it’s better for Creators to express themselves, reducing stress and allowing them to focus on their lives, and Create more for the people to whom they give joy.
Big business has no place in “serving” Creators because it is only about the profits for them. Companies with over $10 BILLION (>$10,000,000,000.00) in assets to flaunt should not exist to “serve” Creators. They are offering plug-and-play solutions for vast amounts of people with different aspirations, needs, and lives. There’s no place for big business with small creators. In comparison, WGMCorp. has 1/10 of the employees of some large companies, 1/10 of their assets, and we’re 10x as affordable, 10x as capable, and 10x as caring as those companies.
WGMCorp. is overall saddened to see that a huge organization would take our ideas and make them their own. But, we won’t be discouraged. WGMCorp. and our awesome child companies will continue to serve the creative communities and will continue to do so in the same manner that we always have: Creator first.
We are WGMCorp., a family company, built by Creators, for Creators.