Who We Are

WGMCorp./JLVWII is the premiere global media organization to meet the needs and wants of small and large Creators and creative businesses, to provide products, services, and solutions relevant to their work, and to extend and expand their careers.

The Acronym(s)

WGMCorp./JLVWII is a long name, and most of the letters stand for something. WGMCorp. is simple: Williams Global Media Corporation. JLVWII is more complex: it’s the full initials of a member of the Williams Family; the former company belonging to them has merged with the larger organization. Everyone calls us WGM.

The Family

WGM is owned by the Williams Family and their estate, namely The Estate of the Williams Family of the Northern Southern East Coast, or The NSEC Estate. NSEC holds most ventures, companies, firms, and organizations wholly owned by members of the Estate.

WGM was created by father-son duo Jeron Williams I and Jeron Williams II (we call them First and Second, respectively), who founded the organization in 2017 and built it using the former assets of Multiply Media Group, and other small companies.

The History

WGM’s history spans further than the beginning of Williams Ventures and even the buyout of Multiply Media Group. From the earliest remnants of the small gaggle of creatives, Team Tater Tot, to the aspirational company, BRDRIP Media, to the small firm, Multiply Media Group, to the full-out consultancy, Williams Ventures, to now the most capable multimedia conglomerate corporation in the world, WGMCorp./JLVWII, we have always worked to serve Creators in our best capacity.

Team Tater Tot focused on marketing and developing personal connections with clients. There, WGM was able to hone in on our communication skills and develop structure, sustainability, and success policies that remained intact or were reformed to fit the company’s modern needs.

BRDRIP Media was the pre-tense to the musical aspect of WGM. There, the cataloging and distribution abilities of our organization were formed. WGM was able to develop and obtain methods to address the needs of keeping records of and globally distributing thousands of tracks for dozens of clients.

Multiply Media Group was the most revolutionary organization of all three aforementioned organizations. Multiply introduced multiple divisions of the organization all focused on specific things for Creators. Multiply had social media and talent management divisions, a tour services division, a personal assistance division, a re-distribution division, and a financial projection division, on top of the in-house record label Multiply Records. And Multiply revolutionized the music industry in allowing its clients to choose from one of three revenue-split packages in its record label division. These divisions were reworked and maintained themselves throughout the changes the organization underwent.

The Williams Ventures Consultancy is the most closely connected former iteration of WGM. It was the first and last point of Creator and client contact, as a Business to Business, Business to Client, Business to Business to Client, and Client to Client network, all in one. WVC handled the communication between services within WGMCorp., outsourcing services for WGMCorp., the relationship between WGMCorp. and its clients, and the connection between WGMCorp. clients with their services and each other. It also hosted all of the product and service departments that have become their own companies within WGM today.

The Manifest

Stephen Ulando, President of WGMCorp./JLVWII

Robert Moore, Assistant to the President of the Board of the Entrusted

Andrew Stenson, Executive Vice President
Dr. Marvin Kennedy Jones, J.D., Senior Vice President
Jessi Davis, Associate Vice President
Francis Scott, Member
Kiera Williams, Member
Jayden Perry, Member
Michael Christopher Grady, Member
Lyon King, Member

Karina Parker, Secretary

The Staff

Jeron Williams II, Chief Executive Officer of WGMCorp./JLVWII

Richard Goldsmith, Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer

Lisa McDevy, Deputy Executive Officer of Oversight and Leadership
Amanda Stein, Deputy Executive Officer of Partnerships and Collaboration
Gregory Zimmerman, Deputy Executive Officer of Ways, Means, and Appropriations
Joey Gillespie, Executive Assistant

Owen Reese, Chief Creative Officer

Nasir Portman, Assistant to the Chief Creative Officer

Jamal Ali, Deputy Innovation Officer

Maxwell Jones, Executive Director of Creator Initiatives
Matthew Rowe, Executive Director of Placard Media
Zachary King, Executive Director of 12:23 Distribution

Daniel-Jay Parker, Creative Director

Juanita Sanchez, Director of Creator Operations
Robert Evans, Deputy Director of Creator Success and Development

Claire Wosniak, Director of Product Perception and Psychology

Terrance Rashaad Johnson, Chief Operations Officer

Daniel Sanders, Assistant to the Chief Operations Officer

Anman Amin, Deputy Operations Officer

Anthony Dilworth, General Counsel
Regina Worsham, Deputy General Counsel
Rebecca Muhammad, Legal Compliance Manager

Thom Smith, Executive Director of Communications
Jay Rice, Deputy Director of Communications

Reginald Augustus Phillips, Executive Director of Public Relations
Cierra Langston, Deputy Director of Public Relations
Calvin Nestar, Director of Multi-National Relations
Mellissa Waverly, Director of Inter-Government Relations

Tina Bache, Executive Director of Internal/External Technology
Benjamin Harry, Executive Director of Technological Development
Emily Nguyen, Director of Internet Systems
Piotr Nikolayev, Director of Website CODE (Creation, Operation, Development, and Editing)

Marie White, Executive Director of RISS (Research, Intelligence, Safety, and Security)
Michael Latimer, Director of Research and Intelligence
Richard Wright, Director of Safety and Security

Richard Davis-Jones, Chief Management Officer

Magdalene Trevor, Assistant to the Chief Management Officer

Victor Press, Deputy Management Officer

Kiera Epps, Executive Director of Contractual Compliance and Obligations

Dianne Freedman, Executive Director of People Operations
Lauren Cobb, Deputy Director of People Operations
Vicky Wu, Director of Retention

Hunter Rowe, Executive Director of Estate Exchange Network
Ernest Williams, Executive Director of the Williams Entertainment Institute
Shaun Pace, Commemoration and Memorialization Coordinator
Richard Hill, Sustainability Czar
Lillian Marie, Director of Inter-Estate Partnerships

Damon Smith, Executive Director of Musical Research, Archives, and Storage
Ayush Pandula, Musical Archivist/Archives Manager

Emily Michaels-Sheikh, Executive Director of Outone/Trilo Music

Tabitha White, Executive Director of West-Hemi Retail
Mei Jiang, Executive Director of East-Hemi Retail

Christopher Harris, Executive Director of ServiceStride

Steven Laurence Jones, Executive Director of TealTie Management

Johnathan Tilghman, Chief Financial Officer

Calvin Bryant, Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer

Timothy Alexander, Deputy Financial Officer